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The World of Kolgennon

“I will remake the world that you stole from me using the very matter of your being. Binding you to my new realm, my great conception. So that you can never commit such reckless destruction again.”

Gennon's vow to her brother Gingel

Countless eons have now passed since Gingel first burst from the egg of creation and scattered the matter of the Cosmos far and wide. 

Gennon, distraught over her brothers reckless act, laboured hard to build a new world from these scattered pieces. But the sacrifice of her brother was the only act which could see her efforts come to fruition.

It is upon her great creation that the story of the Xosu, and all the peoples of the world, plays out


The world of Kolgennon is the creation of author Lewis A. D'Ambra. A world akin to our own Archaic, Hellenistic and Classical age of the ancient Mediterranean.

From the Xosu of the east to the people of Xortogun and Zowdel in the west, and the mysterious twilight lands of Zentheldel, society, cultures and stories abound in the world of Kolgennon. This website is your guide to them.

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