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Book Announcement - The Mantle of the Past

The World of Kolgennon

7 Mar 2024

The World of Kolgennon announces second book from author Lewis A. D’Ambra – The Mantle of the Past

Following on from the success of The Year of the Dark Spring, the author will be releasing his second book set in the world of Kolgennon.

The Mantle of the Past is the first in a series entitled A Scattering of Leaves. Set in the world of Kolgennon, a creation that draws on the ancient cultures and mythologies of the Mediterranean and Near East for inspiration.

The novel will pick up the story of Kolgennon more than thirty years after the events of the Year of the Dark Spring in which the world has been changed beyond all recognition. After twelve years of campaigning by Tekolger, King of the Doldun, who has crowned himself King of Kings and the Lord of Zenian, creating a vast empire stretching across most of the known world, Kolgennon is plunged into crisis as rumours of the King’s death whilst on campaign in the twilight lands of Zentheldel reach the court. Meanwhile, old myths begin to prove themselves to be more than stories as ancient creatures and old magics remerge. An excerpt from the blurb is below.

The King of Kings has fallen, poisoned, his vast domain teeters on the brink and old powers on the fringes of the world threaten a new Dusk falling. Will the rise of the Doldun prove to be a false Dawn?

Lewis A. D’Ambra said.

‘I am really excited to be bringing out the next tale from the world of Kolgennon. The Mantle of the Past will be the first step in a long and complicated journey, and I hope readers will enjoy treading that path as much as I have.’

The Mantle of the Past will be available for purchase via Amazon this autumn.

About the Author

Lewis A. D’Ambra is an award-winning author from South Wales and comes from a mixed Welsh and Italian background. Lewis has worked in numerous roles across the public and private sector in the realms of policy and communications. He created the world of Kolgennon to explore his love of history and mythology and to exercise creativity in a way that can’t be found anywhere else.

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