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Other Peoples Beyond the Empire of the Doldun

The Rilrpitu Tribes

Fierce and independent, the Rilrpitu tribes roam the northern steppes. Nomads and pastoralists, the tribes often range far and wide, constantly raiding into the settled lands to the south. They have even been known to coalesce under the rule of a single man, or Saradi, from time to time when one man has been savage enough to keep his rivals at bay.


One of the tribes even managed to take the crown of Xortogun after they murdered Yoruxoruni the last native king of the great valley, whilst in service to him as mercenaries as he returned from his failed invasion of Xosupil.


This signalled the height of the power of the Rilrpitu, when they were able to range as far east as Doldun, even felling its king, Kenkathoaz II Phalazkon, in battle.

Notable people of the Rilrpitu and their dependents

- YERSADA, a warrior woman of the Tardarden tribe

- YADATARDAR, a warrior woman of the Tardarden tribe

- TARAN, a warrior woman of the Tardarden tribe

The Putedun Confederacy

Although many claim the Putedun descend from one of the bands of raiders who, with one thousand cuts, brought about the fall of the old kingdoms in the Dusk of days, the self-styled princes of the confederacy claim a more noble, semi-divine descent.


More interested in trade than war, the merchant fleets of the confederacy sweep back and fore across the middle sea and beyond. The fleets are so vast and rich that Kisonkenril even claimed them to be one of the wonders of the world.

Notable people of the Putedun and their dependents

- PRINCE KONGUZ, Emissary of the Putedun Confederacy to the Court of Tekolger.

The League of the Twelve Brothers

The Hotizoz people claim descent from twelve brothers from Gulonbel who took half the population of the land on ship and set sail west to alleviate a famine which blighted the land. The brothers led their people to the valley of the Thelizum river and each founded a city of their own, although they pledged to come to each other’s aid in times of war.

- DZOTDOZ HOTTHUZISHOZ FOTISOZ, Captain-General of the armies of the League of the Twelve Brothers, of the city of Hotsujoi. On campaign against Gottoy fighting alongside the King of Gelodun

- HOZFOTOU HOTTUZISHOZ KUTHOZUZ, a commander of the last legion of the League of the Twelve Brothers, of the city of Hotsujoi. On campaign against Gottoy

The Republic of Gottoy

Gottoy is young and hungry. Having recently thrown off the rule of a line of kings from the nearby Hotizoz, the Republic is greedily swallowing up territories in the Thelizum valley and threatening those beyond.

Notable people of Gottoy and their dependents

- TOYOROZ HOZHOZ DOZTHOZFIZ, General and Senator of the Republic. THIZUSQUT FOZKUTFOZ JUSZOT, his emissary.


Called the twilight land more poetically the land of the dying flame, Zentheldel is a mysterious and inaccessible realm far to the west. Zentheldel is rich, vast, and unknown.


What little is understood of these lands or its people come largely from the tales of traders and the history of Kisonkenril of Supokul, although he never actually visited Zentheldel himself.


Beyond this, the story of Xosu visiting the land as the old kingdoms dawned and the account of Tholophos’ invasion just before the Dusk are the only other sources.


More recently, Tekolger III Phalazkon of Doldun has marched his army into Zentheldel to bring the distant land within his empire.

Notable people of Zentheldel and their dependents

- HERETHALTHAWE, Great King of Zentheldel, ZAJTHERZELZAN, his son,

- BALA, a captain in his service,

- TETARAN, a captain in his service,

- THAWE, a captain in his service, XAWA, Thawe’s father

- TALEHALDEN, King of Thentherzaw, BALA his son

- THALE, a priest of Zantere, WABTAL, his daughter.

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