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The Empire of the Doldun

A kingdom has existed in Doldun for some eight centuries, since the Dusk of the old kingdoms when the twin sons of Tholophos, Kilposh the Artificer and Koltik Fire Arrow, led a band of Xosu survivors to the land that is now Doldun fleeing from the destruction of Kolbos.


The twins formed a precarious alliance with the clans of the hinterland to defend their new land from the calamity which was engulfing the world. Phalazkon I, known as the Unifier, the twin’s grandson was the first true king of a united Doldun kingdom wearing both the black crown of Xosu and the white crown of the clans, the dynasty he founded still sits the throne.


However, the kingship in recent times has been weak and the kingdom divided. Subject to raids from the north, by Zummosh and Rilrpitu alike, and exploitation by the Xosu to their south. This changed with the reign of Kenkathoaz II Phalazkon who united the fractured kingdom once more and built a strong kingship. His son, Tekolger III Phalazkon carried on this legacy, leading the Doldun to conquer a vast empire stretching across most of the known world, the like of which has not been seen since the days of the old kingdoms.

Important people of the Empire and their dependents

KENKATHOAZ II PHALAZKON, King of the Doldun, killed in battle with a marauding Rilrpitu tribe. HELUPAL PHALAZKON, his son, said not to be of sound mind, died under mysterious circumstances twelve years ago, KENKATHOAZ PHALAZKON, his son, died in battle, XALOPOLKEL PHALAZKON, his son, died in battle. DAZZEL PHALAZKON, his son, died in battle. KILPOSH AND KOLTIK PHALAZKON, his twin sons, both died as a babes after only a few days of life.


TEKOLGER III PHALAZKON, King of Kings, King of the Doldun, Hegemon of the League of Thelonigul, Thoruri of the Great Valley, King of Zowdel, King of Zenidun, Larzujthar of the Zummosh and Lord of Zenian – currently on campaign in Zentheldel. ZOLHOL OF GELODUN, his mother, resident in the king’s palace at Thelantep. YUSUKOL KOSUA, a philosopher of the school of Kunpit and tutor to the king and his Companions. THUSON KOSUA, the king’s secretary. Yusukol kosua’s apprentice and a follower of the school of Kunpit. THALUDABAN, the king’s horse, ZENUPAL OF THE THOLMASH, the kings physician and personal seer.


Tekolger's wives

SURSON TORA YA KURIA, a woman of old and noble blood, a descendent of Yoruxoruni the last native king of Xortogun, pregnant and in residence at the city of Torfub about to give birth.

KELUUNSEN OF THE DELTATHELON, a noble woman of Doldun, resident in the royal palace of Thelanutep. KOLIATHELANU PHALAZKON, her son.

ZOLZAN OF THE THULCHWAL, a daughter of the chieftain of the Tulchwal tribe of the Zummosh, resident in the royal palace of Thelanutep.


The Companions of the King

KELBAL OF THE DELTATHELON, known as Two Shades, wielder of the zilthum blade Tholo’s Curse, YARE, a slave acquired during the invasion of Zentheldel

KALU OF THE ZELRSALOZ, known as Pale Arm, wielder of the zilthum blade Vigilance. Commander of the king’s White Shields. ZONHOL OF THE ZELRSALOZ, a captain of the White Shields. TEPO OF THE DOLOZOLAZ, DAZKELTEL OF THE ZELKAKEL, KENSUNAZU OF THE ZELRSALOZ, soldiers of the king’s White Shields

DOLZALO OF THE ZOWO, known as Mountain Strider, wielder of the zilthum blade Thunderclap

PALMASH OF THE THOLMASH, known the Weaver, wielder of the zilthum blade Shade Binder

- DOLUZELRU OF THE KELUAZI, known as Wind Rider, wielder of the zilthum blade Hydra’s Fang

PELAPAKAL OF THE KELUAZI, known as Bronze Fist, wielder of the zilthum blade Hydra’s Breath, twin brother of Doluzelru

- ZONPELUTHAS OF THE KELAWATH, known as the Stray Singer, wielder of the zilthum blade Sweet Song

- POLAZUL OF THE KOLBUN, known as Stone Foot, wielder of the zilthum blade Divine Protector

- THAZAN OF THE KOLABON, known as the Priest, wielder of the zilthum blade Discord

- DELUAN OF THE BALKAKEL, known as the Silver Bull, wielder of the zilthum blade Harmony

- ZELA OF THE ZELKALKEL, known as Spear Tongue, wielder of the zilthum blade Rhapsode

- ZALMETAZ OF THE KALUPELBON, known as the Lamentable Fox, wielder of the zilthum blade Wroth


Soldiers of the Royal Army

- LALON OF THE THULCHWAL, A Zummosh chieftain of the Thulchwal tribe and commander of the King’s Zummosh soldiers.

- HUR THE HUNTER, PURO THE HORNBLOWER, HURLAR THE GREEN, Zummosh men of the Thulchwal tribe in service to Tekolger.

- XURTOGA POROA YO GOTURUF, commander of the Tekolger’s Xortogun levies and a member of the House of the Falcon, of the warrior caste of Xortogun

- RISO OF TUSOTIK, a Tilxosu mercenary captain serving with Tekolger in Zentheldel

- DAZZEL OF THE DELTATHELON, a logistics officer


Governors of the Empire

- ZENUKOLA OF THE DELTATHELON, Togworwoh of Zowdel, Hegemon of the west, resident the capital of Zowdel, Yorixori. PELU OF THE DELTATHELON, his lieutenant. KOLOATHUTALAZ OF THE DELTATHELON, the captain of his guard.

- DOTMAZO OF THE DELTATHELON, Viceroy in Doldun, Hegemon of the east, resident at the king’s palace of Thelanutep

- SUPO OF THE DOLOZOLAZ, Togworwoh of the Northern frontier, resident in the fortress of Tekolgerdeloan.

- KELUAZ OF THE KELUAZI, Togworwoh and builder of the city of Tekolgertep, resident in the new royal capital, ROSOSMOSH OF PESKUSUKUL, the Governor’s adviser and a follower of the school of Rolmit of Rulkison. TABASA, Saradi of the Sarasen Saradaai tribe of Rilrpitu, serving in the garrison of the city of Tekolgertep

- KOLUUN OF THE THOLMASH, Togworwoh of Guntoga, resident in the city of Guntoga

- DZATZEL OF THE ZELKALKEL, Togworwoh of Kurotormub, resident in the city of Kurotormub

- DALZENU OF THE BALKALKEL, Togworwoh of Torfub, resident in the city of Torfub. GOTA, a man of old Xortogun blood and native of the city of Torfub, the Governor’s adviser

- THELUPALKEL OF THE DELTATHELON, Togworwoh of Kelandel, resident in the city of Kelantep


In the city of Tekolgertep

 - HELUPELAN OF THE DELTATHELON, High Priest of Xosu in the city of Tekolgertep. SANAE OF THE DELTATHELON, his ward and acolyte of Xosu, a girl of fourteen

- KOLAE OF THE ZOWO, High Priestess of Xosu in the city of Tekolgertep, KONTHELAE OF THE ZELRSALOZ and ZENTHELAE OF THE ZELRSALOZ, her attendants

- KURMUSH XURA YA KURIA, a priest of the Xortogun goddess Xura

- PALON, a Powouzo of the Zummosh and matriarch of the Zummosh in Tekolgertep, of the Hurrun tribe. LULPO, her daughter, also of the Hurrun tribe

- WOZPARLAR, a young Zummosh man of the Hurrun tribe in Tekolgertep

- XUXUXOLPAR, a young Zummosh man of the Poloarun tribe in Tekolgertep

- ZUWXOPLAR, a young Zummosh man of the Parerun tribe in Tekolgetep


Other notable people of the empire

- THORGON, known as Oathmaker, king of Yorotog

- HURYUR, called the Black Spear, calling himself the last of the old kings

- THORNIUB KUROTOR YA KURIA, High Priest of Kurotor in Yorixori

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