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Xosu Beyond the Empire of the Doldun

Since the Dusk of the old kingdoms and the fall of old Kolbos, the Xosu have spread out from their old homeland and islands, sending colonial expeditions east and west. Xosu cities now sit all around the coast of the middle sea like so many frogs around a pond.


The cities in the White Islands and to the east remain outside of the League of Thelonigul. Recently many have come under the hegemony of Thasotun as that city aspires to emulate Butophulo as the dominant city of the Xosu.


The kingdom of Gelodun’s origins lay in the period of colonisation and, as younger siblings often do, the kings of Gelodun wish to emulate their more illustrious relatives of Doldun and the Xosu cities. To this end, the young king of Gelodun recently answered the call of Thasotun and the League of the Twelve Brothers to lead an expedition against the rising power of the Republic of Gottoy.

Important people of the beyond the Empire and their dependents

The Kingdom of Gelodun

- HUNTHISONU I GELO, King of Gelodun, on campaign in Thelizum against the Republic of Gottoy

- RILRPITROL, A nobleman of the House of Gelo in service to the King of Gelodun

- YILTHUSO, A nobleman of the House of Gelo in service to the King of Gelodun


Xosu Mercenary Companies

The Exiles 

A company of Rinuxosu, its commanders are men who fled service in the Sacred Band of the Rinuxosu after the council of the Rinuxosu invited Tekolger to invade Xosupil.


- THUSOKUSOA, Commander of the the Exiles, a Rinuxosu and previously a member of the Sacred Band of the Rinuxosu

- DZULKOTEN, A captain of the Exiles, a Rinuxosu and previously a member of the Sacred Band of the Rinuxosu


The Bulodon

A company of Tilxosu renown for their skill as cavalry.


- KILDOL, commander of the Bulodon, of the Tilxosu

- POSSOSOUS, a captain of the Bulodon, of the Tilxosu


The White Hydra’s Teeth

A company of Silxosu from the sacred land near Thelonigul. Forbidden to carry weapons in the precincts of the golden palace, many Silxosu seek work as mercenaries abroad.


- BOSPITU, commander of the White Hydra’s Teeth, of the Silxosu


The Daemons of the Deep

A company of Salxosu exiles who fled from Butophulo when the city fell to the Doldun. Now they eek out a living in the White Islands dream of the day they can return and reclaim their home.


- RUNUKOLKIL ROSOSTHUP, a nobleman of the old blood, Commander of the Daemons of the Deep

- SONOSPHOSKUL POLRISO, a nobleman of the old blood, a captain of the Daemons of the Deep

- KUSOASU KINSOL, a nobleman of the old blood, a captain of the Daemons of the Deep

- PUSOKOL KOLKISUASU, a nobleman of the old blood, a captain of the Daemons of the Deep

- DINON THE FISHERMAN, a senior soldier in the company

- DINON THE SMITH, a senior soldier in the company


Notable people from Xosu cities beyond the empire of Doldun

- RILPISU, head of the Red and White council at Thasotun

- XUSUTHIL, a member of the Red and White council at Thasotun

- HULKOPHOAS, a member of the Red and White council at Thasotun

- ZOLMOS KISURUSOSI, known as the Conjurer, one-time ruler of the city of Pilsipon, killed fighting in the aftermath of the fall of the League of Butophulo

- KOLMOSOI KISURUSOSI, known as the hydra, a man of the old blood, mercenary general and governor of the White Islands for the city of Thasotun, murdered in the city of Pittuntik

- PITAE KISURUSOSI, a mercenary captain from Butophulo of the old blood, kin to Kolmosoi

- KUNAE ROSOSTHUP, a mercenary captain from Butophulo of the old blood, in service to Kolmosoi

- THIL KOLKISUASU, a mercenary captain from Butophulo of the old blood, in service to Kolmosoi

- PUSO SISOSI, a mercenary captain from Butophulo of the old blood, in service to Kolmosoi

- KIVUUN POLRISO, a mercenary captain from Butophulo of the old blood, in service to Kolmosoi

- SOL, mercenary captain of the Salxosu, in service to Kolmosoi, fled after Kolmosoi’s murder and rumoured to have turned pirate

- KUSO ROSOSTHUP, a man of the old blood, of the city of Pilsipon, died of a fever, SUNPOS ROSOSTHUP, his widow

- THILDOL, High Kuson of the city of Rulrup

- THISON, general of Rulrup

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